What we do

Open Box Security is focused on ensuring your most valuable assets, either these are services, your brand name, the integrity of our operating environment, or the morale of your staff. 

Our methodology identifies cyber security threats focusing on IoT devices (“Things”) and helps its customers to understand the nature, impact, and root cause of such threats to their environment.

In addition, Open Box Security helps customs to develop a security roadmap for their information environment, including various types of security reviews and professional services.

Our Mission

To help our customers understand and manage the security risks their services face in relation to IoT devices.

Why do it?

Cyber-attacks on any area that include IoT devices have been largely increased during the past few years. Non information-centric industries and sectors, such as Civil Protection, Maritime, Power and Entertainment have become more depended on IoT devices, which main design focus is not usually the security of the depended services or information.

At the same time, security threats have become more complex to comprehend, easier to perform and less costly to execute. Typical examples of these threats are:

  • Unauthorized access to systems
  • Disclosure of confidential information
  • Interruption of provided services or data communication flows
  • Unwanted modification of produced, managed, or communicated data, which could have multiple effects, such as wrong decisions, financial impact or even human lives.

So, now more than ever is essential to cooperate with a trustworthy and experienced partner, to identify and cover any such threats.

Who we are?

Open Box Security is made by a group of specialised professionals who are focused on protecting different types of IoT devices.

Open Box Security experts have over 20 years’ experience in Information Security of Sectors such as Telecommunications, Civil Protection, Finance, Pharmaceutical and ICT Services. They hold multiple noteworthy security certifications, including ISO 27001 LA, ISO 22301 LI, CEH, CISM, CND, CISSP as well as many other Information Technology certifications, such as ITIL, MBSA, COBIT etc.

Our professional staff has also participated in numerous Security projects in private and public sector, aiming to protect industries whose core business is depended on IoT devices.

In addition to the above, Open Box Security researchers continuously strive to search for new potential attack vectors as well as their respective countermeasures. Research results have been published since 2005 in several academic and professional journals and communicated to numerous conferences and events.


Search Package

OpenBox search package includes information security review services that aim to assess and identify potential information threat and attack vector within your information environment.

Deep Package

OpenBox Deep package includes technical assessment services that aim to perform technical in-depth tests to identify and confirm available technical vulnerabilities and provide additional information on their potential impact, and root cause taking into account the characteristics of each customer.

Manage Package

OpenBox Manage package includes consulting Services that aim to help mitigating or eliminating any identified vulnerability. In addition, OpenBox Manage package can be tailored to include information security design and architecture services, according to the customer’s unique needs, but also considering the current best practices of each industry.

Contact Us

Address :  Verenikis 5, Athens Greece , 15452

Phone Center : +30 2152159865

Emails :  ask4advice@openboxsec.com 